Impromptu Mini Adventures for Kids

Impromptu Mini Adventures for Kids

Posted by WinterKids on Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Growing up, my brother disliked going to school – and he did everything he could to get out of it.

I remember one particular morning when he was really giving my mom a hard time about getting ready to go. Not putting up a fight, she dragged him into the car and dropped him off at the school drop-off area, leaving him pouty with a scowl on his face.

Later on in the day, my mother randomly decided to come pick him up early from school. On the sign-out sheet for her reasoning, she had the audacity to write “Boredom.” That woman had some nerve – but how sly and clever of her at the same time! It makes me laugh to think about now. Was it bad parenting? – Maybe… but maybe it wasn’t. Some things your kids can’t learn from school alone!

My mom and brother went on that day to have their own microadventure. While I don’t remember where they went or what they did, knowing my mom, she schemed up something fun, adventurous and informative on a whim – that was her style. What I do remember, was that it was an unforgettable day for both of them and they talked about it for days to come.

In the Movie Sex Tape, Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel’s adorable daughter (Giselle Eisenberg) asks, "Why do we keep having all these days and then going to bed at night and then having all these days and then going to bed at night?"

Segel explains: "That's sort of what life is." When she asks if it will ever end, her older brother (Sebastian Hedges Thomas) says, "It'll end when we die." But the little girl keeps going…"Won't I get bored at doing this stuff again and again and again?..."

family-riding-bikes-streetSometimes, we need to show our kids a little adventure in life – we need to make it fun and deviate away from a life full of monotonous routines. Kids thrive on exciting excursions. Give your kids the thrill they need by taking them on one of the following impromptu mini adventures!


1. Go for a hike at sunrise


2. Take a quick camping trip to a new place


3. Jump in the car and go on a road trip to an unknown destination


4. Take a bike ride to the park and set up a picnic


5. Sleep under the stars


6. Set up lawn chairs and watch the sunset


7. Follow a river as far as you can


8. Skip stones in a pond


9. Jump in puddles after a rainstorm


10. Go rainbow-chasing


Chasing RainbowsI love the following quote from the inspirational adventurer, Alastair Humphreys,  “Adventure is only a state of mind. Adventure is stretching yourself; mentally, physically or culturally. It is about doing what you do not normally do, pushing yourself hard and doing it to the best of your ability. And if that is true then adventure is all around us, at all times.”

Challenge yourself by taking your kids on a spontaneous mini adventure today!

What has been your favorite mini impromptu adventure with your kids? We’d love to hear in the comments below!

Categories: Family Fun

Tagged: Family Fun, kids, family activities, outdoors

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